Book Blurb & Tagline


"So, what's your book about?" The question writers love and hate the most. Love, because it gives them a chance to talk about their work. Hate, because how do you sum up over 100K words in a sentence or two?

If you don't mind answering a few questions from Chessa, our resident summary wizard, she will craft a synopsis best describing the story and the characters without giving too much away.

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"So, what's your book about?" The question writers love and hate the most. Love, because it gives them a chance to talk about their work. Hate, because how do you sum up over 100K words in a sentence or two?

If you don't mind answering a few questions from Chessa, our resident summary wizard, she will craft a synopsis best describing the story and the characters without giving too much away.

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"So, what's your book about?" The question writers love and hate the most. Love, because it gives them a chance to talk about their work. Hate, because how do you sum up over 100K words in a sentence or two?

If you don't mind answering a few questions from Chessa, our resident summary wizard, she will craft a synopsis best describing the story and the characters without giving too much away.